#16 Covid-19 Lysol:Topical Use ONLY & Hydroxycholoraquine Requires Medical Supervision

From the Desk of Robin Ellen Leder, M.D.

First, I will say only this, and it is something that hopefully almost everyone in the world already knows: cleaning disinfectant products are for topical use only, period. They have no role in curing internal disease of any kind. I have heard that in parts of the world they have indeed been using bleach internally as a bodily disinfectant - and some of them have died. Almost needless to say.  the very thought of it shocks me.  Yet one workman in my building to whom I mentioned this today answered, "Yeah, but what if it works?"  And he is very well educated, articulate.  And he wasn't kidding - at all.  I can't say more on this, except I have to assume that if you did heard this suggestion at yesterday’s press briefing, you, well, didn't follow up on it, and do not plan to, ever. I will leave it at that.

Secondly, and in a similar vein, I just wanted to send out a reminder that hydroxycholraquine is not a benign drug by any means.  I think it is unclear whether it is helpful always or even sometimes in coronavirus treatment, but if it is, it is not to be used lightly or without taking heed of the warnings about its use.  Some folks asked me for the drug early on, and now have it at home.  Fortunately, I have not personally heard of any patients of mine who have tested positive, or certainly, who have had serious cases of the virus, but caution is still the key, self -isolation, social distancing, cleaning, etc. I do suggest that, while you are well, you please review the precautions about the use of hydroxychloraquine, on WebMD or similar, or I would be happy to resend them to you via your email.  Reviews are mixed but I do gather that it may be helpful, perhaps moreso with the zinc that has been proposed.  But certain subgroups are at special risk. If you are unsure as to whether you are in a high risk category, contact my office and we will send you information and if necessary, test your blood so that you have an idea in advance if you are a good candidate for this drug,  I think the IV C and Methylprednisolone with the heparin sounds safer to me, with addition of the other drugs if they are clinically called for and are not specifically contraindicated.

Stick with the program, be patient. Wealth means nothing without good health. Zero.

Best regards - 

Dr. Robin Ellen Leder
