Introduction to "THE COVID-19 LETTERS"

From the Desk of Robin Ellen Leder, M.D.

I have been sending emails to my patients since the beginning of the pandemic, and as the body of knowledge we were sharing as a community grew, I thought it would be useful to share it with folks outside of my patient group.  I didn’t make any changes in them in deciding to post them here, so some of the items are really meant for my patients, specifically.  But for the most part, the emails have been a vehicle to share knowledge, often videos sent by other patients for me to watch.  I have posted them in the order that they were sent, so you can have the same experience as my patients of learning things as they came to light, and not all at once, in an overwhelming fashion.  Consider the points of view and protocols expressed here, take what is interesting to you and incorporate it into your life or your own belief system, and leave the rest.  And if you feel that you have something new to share, by all means, send it to my office email, via the “contact us” page on this site, and if it looks like it provides new and useful information for all to read, I will gladly, with your permission, include in it future posts and future emails to my patients. 

Join us in this learning, supportive venture.  As is constantly reiterated on TV and everywhere you look, we are all in this together. 

Stay safe, stay strong, stay healthy, stay smart, stay sane, in no special order.

Best regards!

Dr. Robin Ellen Leder


This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment.

If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that have read on this blog or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately.

The opinions and views expressed on this blog and website have no relation to those of any academic, hospital, health practice or other institution.


#1: Covid-19 The Covid Preliminaries

From the Desk of Robin Ellen Leder, M.D.

March 5, 2020
Hi Everyone!
I am not a “newsletter” person or a Facebook/Twitter person, but a subject has now arisen that I do think we need to address as best we can together: the onset of the new Coronavirus and its potential spread to our area and surrounding areas, As you may know, there are already a number of cases in New York (higher number than any other U.S. state to date), and as of this morning, 11 cases were known in New Jersey.  With more undoubtedly to come.
Before I go into detail, I want to emphasize that in a negative case scenario, if ANYONE does in fact become infected or is suspected of being infected, they will likely be quarantined, and they will be unable to come to my office for immune enhancement at that time. So NOW is the time for any discussion and action.
In this context I have several thoughts to share. I welcome any you have, but here are mine:

1. The facts we know about Coronavirus are relatively few. Even the mortality rate is unclear, as many undetected milder cases may exist or have existed.  If so, and if these folks lived, the 2-3% mortality rate that is quoted may actually be considerably lower. But it also may not.  The real fact is, we just don’t know enough at this point. What does seem to be emerging is a picture of an illness that affects older people disproportionately and has more serious outcomes in older people that is does affect.  The immune compromised, or those with chronic medical conditions, appear to be hardest hit.
2. Consider going on a vigorous regimen enhanced over your normal one, to improve your immune status.  We can look at your current regiment together and see how to augment or improve it. There are several nutritional things that might be particularly helpful.These include not only nutrients you may be familiar with, but also some unique homeopathics specifically targeted to viral infections.
3. Make sure your adrenals and thyroid are being fully and optimally treated. They are an integral component of your immune system. Testing, as you know is available; is yours current?

4.  THIS IS A BIG ONE!  Consider a series of Vitamin C/Vitamin B complex infusions (IV’s) to boost your immune status in a very proactive way.

I have been administrating “vitamin drips” for 30 years and have seen dramatic effects in increasing vitality and reducing or eliminating recurrent colds and infections, i.e., boosting immunity.  I wish that everyone could offer these treatments to patients in our area, but they certainly won’t be doing that. I have to focus on the health of my specific patient group, and this is the single most helpful thing I can offer, especially to those who are older, have pre-existing medical conditions that may put them at risk, or are tired/fatigued and in general, experiencing low energy. Now is the time to correct this, and this is a great, quick way.

5. Consider scheduling an appointment to review your supply of medications, asap. Although I like to test very regularly to maintain ideal balance, I am concerned about potential shortage of medical supplies if countries that supply us become quarantined, so in such a case some medications ordered in advance would likely be better than none. So, at the very least, make sure now that all testing is well up-to-date and that your "stockpile" of all medications and supplements is ample.
This whole situation may NOT affect us in a major way medically; no one can say. But I can say that being prepared can only be a good thing, and the measures I am suggesting are, I think, moderate.
In short, proactive, not pressured, and certainly NOT panic. Thoughtful, conservative action. 

Please contact my office if you have questions or to let me know how I can help you with any concerns about Coronavirus. And please, if you have useful suggestions of your own, for yourself or for the community, speak up and share them, without fear of judgement. I am interested in whatever you have to say. This is a global issue, so please, let’s think about it and work on it together.
Thank you and best regards,

Dr. Robin Ellen Leder

#2: Covid-19 Living with the New Reality

From the Office of Robin Ellen Leder, MD:

I’m sure by now that all of you are taking prescribed precautions as you see fit to protect yourself and those you know and love from coronavirus, This is going to be a new “phase” in all of our lives, at least for the next while.Very little will not be impacted in some way, often in a profound way as the virus continues its spread.  So, I would like to share just a few more thoughts on this omnipresent subject. 

  1. Embrace the self-imposed "social distancing" or quarantines as best you can.  There must be things that each of us has always wanted to get done, but there were too many distractions in daily life to do them. Now would be a great time to take on medium length projects that require significant time and energy.  Create and learn to follow a new diet or exercise regimen. Change your sleep schedule to make it healthier.  Take a course that is of interest to you.  Clean your house from top to toe and throw out years' worth of stuff you will never need again.  At the end of the pandemic, you will have accomplished something of substance and you will not be so bored and restless and you will hopefully avoid that sense of missing the “normal” distractions in life. 

  1. Do not neglect the rest of your life while prioritizing COVID-19!!  For two reasons:  First, the rest of your health and potential/future problems will not just go away just because your focus may not be on them.  Optimum health should always remain at the forefront,  And, of course, your state of excellent health is your best protection against a poor coronavirus outcome, if infection does in fact become a reality in your life or the life of a close family member or co-worker. 

  2. My office will remain open with no closing anticipated.  We will be cleaning and disinfecting between visits and of course, no handshakes or hugs.  Remember that it is often very possible for you to have our visits remotely via telephone.  Yes, I do prefer in-office visits, always will.  But rarely is your being stuck in your home a reason for us not to “meet”.  I must see new patients initially in the office, and of course, I must see patients for physicals, venipuncture, IV’s and injections.  But venipuncture by Quest or Labcorp can often be arranged at home. Test kits can be drop-shipped to your home and lab results can be pulled up on the patient web portals of the respective labs, or mailed.  Is it perfect?  If not perfect, it works, and it is far better than not keeping up with your health.  That’s a definite!

  3. There are, as I have alluded to in my prior letter, any number of things you can do or take to improve your chances with coronavirus,  It even appears that some medications may be useful, though not necessarily curative.  If you would like to hear more, we can talk for a short time on the phone, I can share some ideas and also answer any questions you may have.

You must know that my patients mean the world to me, and I am here to engage with you on this subject, and, of course, on any other related or unrelated topics.  Although we may be “socially distant” for now, please let’s stay in touch. 

Best regards.
Dr. Robin Ellen Leder

#3: Covid-19 New Office Protocols/Plaquenil Introduced

From the Office of Robin Ellen Leder, MD:

Once again, as things evolve rapidly on all fronts, I wanted to keep you updated on several things:

  1. I understand that some patients are concerned about going to a laboratory to have blood testing done. For that reason, if you need to have any blood drawn, I can do it myself.  The office setting has very few people in it at any given time. Basically a good part of the time only myself and Karen are in the office (as some visits are currently done by telephone, and both of us are rarely exposed to anyone else, even in out off-work hours.)  So, if you are able to come in, I am ready, willing, and able to do most blood drawing for you to keep your testing of various levels current.  

  2. Tests that are not done on blood (i.e.,stool, urine, and saliva) can be drop-shipped to your home directly by labs, which makes those things simple to accomplish.

  3. Some folks have requested plaquenil (hydroxychoroquine) as a “back-up" for acute illness, and I do appreciate that thought.  I alluded to this in my first email about a week ago.  I am able to order it for you, but I cannot in any way guarantee that at this point you will find it available in a pharmacy.  If you want to try, let me know and I will forward my sign-off consent form to you, as this drug, though it may be helpful in an acute situation, has a number of contraindications and side effects that can be very unpleasant.  You will need to carefully read the consent form, sign it truthfully, and return it to me before I can write you such a prescription.

  4.  Azithromycin has been discussed as a companion drug to plaquenil, again without firm evidence that it would be effective.  This is the same drug used in the Z-pack.  Again, it is now barely available, but if you want it, you will need to locate it at a pharmacy before I attempt to call it in for you, as with plaquenil.  Many pharmacies are very short, or are totally out of, both this drug and plaquenil..

  5. It now appears that a small percentage (approximately 5%) of coronavirus cases begin with GI problems (i.e., diarrhea) without upper respiratory tract manifestations. Those folks usually do not get much sicker beyond the diarrhea, though they would test positive (if tested at all).  However, if the GI positive patients do go on to have respiratory symptoms, they are apparently in a fairly high-risk category for more aggressive disease.   Now, not all diarrhea represents coronavirus by a long shot, of course. But, if you do develop diarrhea, and this is not a normal state for you, please treat it as at least a warning sign, and I recommend that you stay at home meticulously until it passes.  And do drink plenty of water and or electrolytes to replenish. And if respiratory symptoms of cough, headache and fever develop to a concerning level, contact me or an emergency care facility. This is especially important if you are over 60 or have any sort of immuno-compromising or respiratory conditions.

That’s about it for now.  I am anxious to hear how you are doing at this time. 

As has been reiterated time and again in the past few weeks (but I already understood as you must all have), pandemics are not simply medical disasters.  They have profound financial consequences, of course, but then, related to those issues, there can be serious emotional fallout, as well as critical spiritual issues (lack of hope, loss of faith).

Whatever your concerns may be as we move forward over time, and this will take time, they are not foolish, I am sure they are quite real.  Remember that we can discuss anything that is troubling you, at any of these levels.  They are all very much a part of your health in the broadest, and yes, holistic sense.  And after all, isn't that what you and I are all about?
As I am writing to you and about you, you must know that I am going through very much the same things;  I think we can all empathize with our fellow citizens, probably more deeply than at any time I can remember in my lifetime.

I think that the more we distance ourselves physically, the closer we will all become spiritually as a nation - at least that is my hope.  G-d bless you all and please stay in touch!
Best regards,
Dr. Robin Ellen Leder

#4: Covid-19 IV Vitamin C Used In NYC Hospitals

From the Desk of Robin Ellen Leder, M.D.

Intravenous Vitamin C Is Being Used Currently in NY Hospitals! With Success!

I have received an email from the International Orthomolecular Society just now, tonight, indicating that the Northwell Hospital group in NY is now using IV Vitamin C three or four times daily for their coronavirus patients based on the work done in China. These patients have substantively better outcomes than those without.  And they are using only 1500 mg intravenously per treatment, whereas my office-based treatments start at 25,000 mg.! and go up to 75,000 mg. Wow, what a difference! I don't know about you, but I am so excited to hear that even this small amount is in use in a traditional setting and is helping to save lives. The original article about this was in today's Post, per the notice sent to me by the Orthomolecular Society.  If you can look it up, I would love to see the whole article.  LMK!!

Can you believe that they are thinking outside the box for a change? I am so thrilled! and we can do this right here in my office at such an advanced level of the nutrient (and have already been doing so for 30 years but who is counting!?) and with other added nutrients to make it more effective as well!  More to come...?


#5: Covid-19 Chinese Studies on the Use of Intravenous Vitamin C

From the Desk of Robin Ellen Leder, MD

This link is to a wonderful video from a Chinese physician explaining the strategies they have used to achieve successful outcomes.  Most of the video focuses on Vitamin C.

I could not wait to share this with you until tomorrow morning.  Thanks to your fellow patient for sending it to me. I am delighted to share this with everyone, first to see that this condition is not entirely unmanageable, there are usable strategies, and second, to show you that one of the best is at our disposal right here and right now - our old standby for so many years, Intravenous Vitamin C. Note that the levels used in the NY article I sent earlier this evening are so much lower  than those used in China, and even they are effective. The Chinese protocols are much more in line with the way I have used Vitamin C intravenously for years and years. 
I watched a movie today, that I thought would be a typical "Steve McQueen" type of movie, as he was in fact the star of the movie, but instead, it was quite unexpectedly a movie version of a Henrik Ibsen play.  In it (it's called "The Enemy of the People"), he plays a doctor whose thoughts are at odds with those of the town completely. He states in his impassioned argument that "the majority is always about 50 years behind when it comes to understanding/accepting the truth", so majority rule or consciousness is a remarkably unreliable marker for what is actually so.
Amazingly, Ibsen was spot on when it comes to intravenous C. This therapy is at least that old, and it is stunning that even in this dire medical scenario, its use has barely been adopted for hospital/therapeutic use so far.  I am personally inspired by this, and will order some Vitamin C for myself on Thursday for personal intravenous use. (As I said, earlier, it must be ordered patient by patient)  You may wish to consider the same.

As always,

Best regards -

Dr. Robin Ellen Leder

#6: Covid-19 The Homeopathic Protocol for Covid-19

From the Office of Robin Ellen Leder, M.D.

Hi Everyone! Happy Friday!

I hope that you have been doing good things while the time exists.  What a beautiful day for a walk outside with a friend who is walking 6 feet away! :-)
So, I am writing today (yes, again!!) to clarify a few things I have brought up in the past

1- First an issue with these emails themselves.  For some folks, they are going to junk mail/spam.  If you would like to make sure to get them, look in junk/spam and if you see one there, just select it and click above on “not spam” and from then on, they will go to your inbox.  Many of your responses have been going to my junk too, but now I am aware, so I have been trying to remember to check.  Sorry if I miss your email for that reason!

2- I am going to cut and paste the newly revised homeopathic regimen that I have mentioned in the past. Many people have asked for it, so I think this is the easiest way to get it to all of those who want it, rather than one at a time:
Homeopathic protocol
I am going to give you the specifics for the homeopathic protocol that I am following here
you will need to order the following per person. They will drop ship to you,right to your home. It's pointless to have it all come to me, and you need to start it right away.
For each of you, you will need:
GUNA flu  12 packages
Citomix   2 packages
Gamma-12   2 bottles
1L-7   3 bottles
IL-2  1 bottle
They are to be taken as follows:
GUNA flu, 1 ampule daily (if you feel symptomatic, take every 4-6 hours)
Citomix, 5 pellets, under the tongue, 2X daily
IL-7, 20 drops on the tongue 2X daily
And these next two are only if you are getting/feeling sick:
Gamma -12, 20 drops on your tongue 2-3 times daily
IL-2,  20 drops on your tongue, 2-3 times daily
So in total, the amount I wrote above should be good for one person
so you will need double that to maintain this protocol

GUNA's telephone number is 1 888 GUNA-TEL
and you may call any time of day or night, that is the cell of the local rep...
Note: a patient who uses GUNA regularly friend also suggested GUNA virus (5 pellets 2X daily)
And for relief of the cough itself, GUNA cough. For a sore throat, I advise Guna oral spray, it’s amazingly effective, and acts immediately to relieve a sore throat!
Just say that you were referred by me and that you are looking for physician pricing...
3.  Regarding IV Vitamin C, I think it is worth considering buying a bottle or two and keeping aside for yourself, either at home or at my office, whichever you prefer. In case you decide that you do want to take a few IV’s, it will be there. That may sound like overkill, but I am planning to take some with me to the hospital if I ever, heaven help me, need to go.  I strongly believe, that this is the surest way to create a positive outcome for me, and it is unclear that any given hospital may have this on hand for me.  I am basing my confidence in the efficacy of this therapy not only on my years of experience since first using it at Dr. Atkins’ office, but moreover, on the most recent studies in China in treating moderate to severe coronavirus with exceptional success.  Remember that in my office, I am NOT equipped to provide IV’s to those who are already symptomatic, only as an immune boosting preventative therapy prior to that point.  Hence my suggestion is to do it now if you are so inclined, and/or to keep a bottle or bottles on hand for use in the hospital if that should ever be necessary.

4. Last for today: This would be an excellent time to think about creating a plan of action in case you do feel symptomatic, or feel the need to go to a hospital facility.  You can start thinking about where to go and what must get done and how and by whom.  Do you have a living will in case you are not up to giving instructions for yourself in a hospital?  Which hospital might you go to?  Who will be taking care of those for whom you are responsible (kids, parents, spouse), and do they know quite what to do?  I think that if you have a written plan, it will be much easier to get directly to a facility if you need to go, and you will do so with far greater peace of mind.  Needless to say, we are thinking of everything possible now so that this option never comes into play.

Best regards –
Dr. Robin Ellen Leder

#7: Covid-19 Hydroxychloraquine, Zinc, Azithromycin Protocol

From the Desk of Robin Ellen Leder M.D.

Someone at my OA Zoom meeting mentioned this article and I have been almost joyful ever since!

If this is accurate...well, you guys can ALL do this, I am confident.

Share it with as many people as you know:

(I'll bet you are surprised to see a link to Fox News coming from me :-) See that? I am an equal opportunity seeker of good information and good news!)

With the basic strategy described in this article, and immune enhancement, and distancing, I thing we will all be OK.  G-d (or whoever you think of as your "Higher Power") bless you all.  I hope this article brings you the same peace of mind it has brought to me, and helps you enjoy your Sunday just a little bit more.

Best regards -

Dr. Robin Ellen Leder

#8: Covid-19 Caution in Using Hydroxychloroquine

From the Desk of Robin Ellen Leder, M.D.

As I have told some of you via phone or email,  we will be ordering Vitamin C and HCG for our patients, and we will be doing this on Tuesday, March 31st (tomorrow).

I have been waiting to hear back on the cost of these products, and have only heard from one of the two labs I contacted for Vitamin C so far.  Nonetheless, I am forwarding this initial information to you so that you can order before this lab changes their rates on 4/1/20.  I will be giving you the vials outright, or keeping them in the refrigerator for you, whichever you prefer.  The 100 ml bottles will run you $53.50.  On the 4/1/20, the price will be going up to $70.  The product is in high demand, and this is to be expected. 

Note that to do one drip in my office, the cost is $205.  The cost of the bottle would be deducted from this if you leave the bottle with me.  I cannot take a bottle that you have held in your home and infuse it, albeit sealed.  I cannot assure you that a hospital would do this either if you brought your bottle with you., but if I should be compelled to go, I will certainly ask them to do so - vigorously!!

Also note that 100 ml. is enough for two or possibly even three treatments, but this particular brand is preservative-free, and can only be used once opened for a few brief hours.  This would be OK for you and a family member to use, but again, I cannot treat non-patients in my office, so I could only treat a family member whom I had taken in as a patient formally prior.

The other group from whom I am trying to obtain vitamin C has both C with preservative and preservative-free, and it does come in smaller bottles (30 ml.)  This might be a better option for some. but I do not know the price or if/when I will be able to put an order through. Of course when that information becomes available, I will inform you all immediately via this same channel.

As to the HCG, we will be ordering for patients and storing it exclusively in our refrigerators.  The option to take it home will not exist. The expiration date is 3/31/21.  A typical course of diet-use HCG requires two bottles.  If you proceed with the diet, you will receive a credit in the amount you pay for 2 of the vials for each course, up to 6 weeks, or as long as the two vials last. If you do an additional course, you will get another credit for the cost of another two vials if you have purchased them.  If you do not use your product, we will  contact you at year's end to see if you have plans to use it.  If so, we will reserve it for you until the bottles expire.  If not, we will feel free to use it for anyone who needs it. There will be no reimbursements for unused product at year's end, whether used or not, as we are required to pay for it now, up front, so order amply, but order wisely!!  We have not spoken with the HCG vendor for a week, so I cannot list the exact price right now, but if decide that you do want us to order several bottles, just call us or email us early on tomorrow and let us know.  We will be getting the final pricing on that when we are in the office.

One more thing (when have I ever not had one more thing to say?!)  If you have already obtained the plaquenil (hydroxycholoraquine) and azithromycin (zithromax) medications mentioned in earlier emails and in the media, there have been some small changes to the protocol, but most importantly, zinc is apparently an extremely important part of the protocol according to some.  Since this is all developing day-by-day on an experiential basis, I believe that the best practice as of now will be to include zinc in the protocol. I will list the "new" protocol here, again, to be used ONLY in the following case scenarios:
1- Where there is the onset of shortness of breath, and not simply in cases where one feels like they have a draining and ugly flu. 
2 - Where basic flu symptoms of fever, upper respiratory issues and fatigue exist in those who are at higher risk (anyone with an underlying condition that could compromise their immune capabilities, or anyone over 60 - I know you may "feel" absolutely fantastic, but your immune system may not care so much about your "feelings"!!  Use your best judgement)
3- Where fevers are extreme, over 102 or 103 degrees, not responsive to Tylenol (yes, buy  some Tylenol!) 

If you do have the two medications already, make sure to have the zinc on hand.  You will need to be taking a whopping 220 milligrams total over the course of each day., taken with the plaquenil.  Please note that without the plaquenil, the zinc may not be nearly as effective on its own; from what is currently understood, the plaquenil seems to permit the zinc to do its job infinitely more effectively.

The six day regimen for the drugs is as follows:

Hydroxycholroquine (Plaquenil) : 200 mg. , one (or if more severe, 2 twice daily) on day one, and thereafter, one 2X daily
Azithomycin: 250 mg. - 500 mg. daily (two different protocols - if you have enough medicine, I would probably take the 500 mg.)
Zinc, 220 mg daily total, in divided dose, taken with the plaquenil.

Remember, more is NOT necessarily better. If you obtained the drugs from me, then you saw the consent form I sent out, warning of the many health risks inherent in taking plaquenil.  True, the worst of them are quite rare, but even the common ones are unpleasant.  If you did not get the drugs from me, but nonetheless own them now, please go onto WebMD or similar and look up the contraindications for the drug, as well as the list of side effects. It is NOT a "fun drug" but it is used by many with auto-immune disease over extended periods of time successfully, so it is "usable" when called for. Save it for when it is truly called for, following the guidelines above for who should institute this protocol, and when.

Please all me in the office with any questions as always.

Thanks for the opportunity to serve you, It is always an honor and a joy. 

Best regards!!

Dr. Robin Ellen Leder

#9: Covid-19 Hydroxychloraquine, Get HCG while it Lasts, and Chris Mann

From the Desk of Robin Ellen Leder, M.D.
Hi Everyone:

I hope that this email finds you all safe, secure, and peaceful in your homes, and maybe you are even enjoying the peace and free time in some ways.

I haven’t much new to say.  Just a few odds and ends.

It has become difficult to obtain any of the hydrocholoraquine without an actual positive diagnosis of Covid 19.  That is good and bad, I think.  Bad because some people want to have it as a back-up, I understand.  But not so bad, as I do get a sense that if someone really is symptomatic, the drug is available, and will remain available with this new pharmacy policy.  So, do stay in touch if you are not feeling quite yourself, and we can figure out the next appropriate step.

Our first orders of Vitamin C will not arrive until April 13, so the turnaround time is longer that I would have liked it to be.  Such being the case, if you have considered doing an IV to enhance your immune system it would be a great idea to order sooner than later. As you know I am not equipped to treat you once you are symptomatic, so please do not wait until that scenario is in play.
It now appears much less clear exactly how the virus is spread, and it is clear that asymptomatic positive patients can infect those around them. So! Look at every single person around you and everything you touch outside as potential sources of trouble. For the sake of others looking at you just the same way, consider wearing a mask. However as you know by now, it will not likely protect you, it is mainly for the protection and peace of mind of those around you.  I will say that when I touch anything out of my house now, doorknobs, whatever, I think of it like it is covered in dog poop, and behave accordingly!
As to blood drawing, I am happy to draw your blood in my office if you don’t want to go to a lab. That would be understandable. Normally, when we draw in our office for any “outside lab” other that Quest or Labcorp, we do charge a fee of $50 for handling for non-Medicare patients.  If we draw for Quest or Labcorp at his time, as we do not have the lab reps in the office at this time, the fee will be $20 for the same group of people. Both labs are normally able to do in home blood draws, but I honestly do not know if in-home service is currently available. The Medicare fee for venipuncture is lower, set by Medicare themselves.
Last, I want to go over the HCG question in greater detail, for those who are interested.
Karen is about to place our HCG order.  The cost of this product, no longer being manufactured in the USA, has gone up, fortunately not by much.  At this point, we are asking for $150 up front for two vials, in order to hold it for you.  This is enough for a 6 week course of treatment.  When you decide to “activate your vials” and move forward to do an actual 6 week diet course, you will owe us an additional $125. Thus, the cost of a 6 week course of HCG will now be $275 instead of the prior $250.  If you need to go further than 6 weeks, or think you may, plan ahead and order an extra vial at $75.  Your next week of the diet (week 7) will be included in the $75, and the second week will cost $35, and thereafter, $55 per week, until your product is used up. 
The expiration dates on the vials currently being sold are in January and February of 2021.  We will try our best to get the bottles that offer the longest shelf lives. Thank you for your flexibility, and sorry for the slightly increased price.  I knew this might well happen when the supply became finite.  And apologies as well for the somewhat complex purchase arrangement; I do not want to purchase a bunch of vials that will not be used, nor for you to pay for a program you many never actually initiate, so this is the compromise I came up with.  Note that at best, HCG will be available for purchase for another few weeks only so please do act soon if it interests you or if you have questions.

Nothing much more to add. I am grateful to be in touch with so many of you, and I am here to discuss any medical or emotional or even logistical concerns you may have at this time, be they Covid-related or not.
And here is something that you all may enjoy if you have not heard it yet.  Three cute/funny songs in a row by Chris Mann, a contestant from season 2 of “The Voice”:  (you may need to cut and paste in address bar)
If you like the first song, there are two more to follow if you just let it keep playing after the first is done, and don’t change the YouTube channel.  And what a voice! I cannot imagine that the winner that season was better than this guy!  He is also featured on YouTube on several different versions of Andrea Bocelli’s mega-hit “The Prayer.” He is quite a serious vocalist.  Hope you enjoy him.
OK.  Peace, love and virtual hugs to all.

Dr. Robin Ellen Leder

P.S.  I miss hearing new jokes.  If you have any, please send them my way! Thanks!

10: Covid-19 Medications Restricted by NJ Consumer Affairs

From the Desk of Robin Ellen Leder, M.D.

I received the below message from the state today, so there can be no further  prescriptions of the listed drugs for precautionary reasons: They are now entirely restricted to those who require them actively and acutely for severe cases of suspected corona, or better yet, proven corona, or for the uses for which they were originally intended (auto-immune disease and malaria).  Thank you for understanding this.  These drugs have been sequestered by some physicians in enormous amounts in the same manner as toilet paper, and so, for the protection of the ill and potentially ill, this situation had to be brought to a halt. 

I appreciate your understanding the current situation. Know that with this mandate in place, there is every reason to expect that, should you ever be in real, acute need of these drugs, there is a far greater chance that they will be available to you and your acute care team, as well as to others suffering severe symptoms.  So in fact, by following this restrictive mandate, you may end up saving your life or the life of someone you care about deeply. 

Thank you again.

Dr. Robin Ellen Leder


Administrative Order Imposing Emergency Statewide Restrictions on Certain Prescription Medications - UPDATE:

Dear Health Care Provider,
The Division of Consumer Affairs issued an Administrative Order on March 29, 2020, imposing statewide restrictions on prescribing and dispensing of certain drugs that are in short supply, including chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine.
Today, the Division issued 
Administrative Order 2020-03 which supersedes Administrative Order 2020-01. The new order reiterates the restrictions contained in the prior order, but includes additional exceptions for prescriptions to patients in post-acute care facilities, assisted living facilities, nursing homes and skilled nursing facilities.

Thank you again for your service during these difficult times.
Paul R. Rodríguez
Acting Director
Division of Consumer Affairs
Office of the New Jersey Attorney General



#11: Covid-19 The Use of Gamma 12 for Covid and Respiratory Conditions

From the Desk of Robin Ellen Leder, M.D.

This is just a very quick note that may or may not be of interest to you, but I thought i would pass it on.

In one of my earliest posts, I told you all about a homeopathic protocol from the company call GUNA, designed both to protect and to treat coronovirus. I am in fact on this protocol myself, as part of taking any and all precautions to avoid getting sick.

One component of the protocol is called Gamma -12.  It is strictly used in this context for the onset of the symptoms associated with this condition, shortness of breath and lung congestion.  This essential piece of the puzzle was not available at about the time I sent out my email, as it was quickly sold out due to its efficacy in this situation. I was able to get two of the last bottles at that time but many people were not as lucky.

For some reason, there was confusion with my order, and just yesterday, I received four (4) additional bottles.  I have no use for them as of now, and of course, hope I never do!  I contacted GUNA and they explained that these four are part of the last batch that will be available in the foreseeable future, and further, that if I do send them back, they will sadly be quarantined and ultimately destroyed. That said, they are ready to take them back and do just that.

So, before I send these valuable and rare bottles back to GUNA to be destroyed, I wanted to make them available to you.  Whether alone or in combination with the protocol I shared with you, this is the piece that is directly focused on the lungs, and in fact, is useful in any bad cold, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, or the like, any situation where breathing becomes labored, difficult, or painful.  So it could be useful for anyone with any sort of compromised lung function.

I will be getting the shipping label on Monday, but will wait to see if anyone wants one or more of the bottles for a day or two more.  Think about whether it might be a good choice for you, or perhaps a family member who has respiratory issues, is elderly, or is a prior or current smoker.

If you would like me to put some aside for you, let me know.  As with your orders directly to GUNA, these bottles will cost the physician price.  I had already asked GUNA not to add any surcharge on to their lowest cost for anything they sell to my patients during this crisis. Due to circumstances, I will not be able to ship to you; you would need to pick up at the office.

Thanks.  I am hoping that you feel peaceful and even joyous at home in the weeks going forward.  I am sure I do not need to say this to all of you, but please, my extremely bright patients, be patient with the restrictions. Here is my phrase for the day:

"We are all in a rush to get out there, but we are all in a far greater "rush" to stay alive."

Stay safe, say secure, stay strong, stay sane.....

Best regards -

Dr. Robin Ellen Leder

#12: Covid-19 How Would You Re-Open the Country

From the Desk of Robin Ellen Leder,M.D.

Good morning, everyone!

How are you all? Things are much the same, with Karen and I holding down the fort, with some visits (mostly on the phone), blood drawing as needed, and probably most important, refills. BTW, If you want to do a visit on Zoom , we can certainly do that with you to, let me know. I am waiting for my new laptop, delivery is very, very slow - and small laptops are hard to get right now, as Zoom meetings become the our social gathering place: "the New Order."

Just two things I wanted to touch on. First, in fact, is orders :-) For those who asked us to buy one or more bottles of injectable Vitamin C for them, the shipment is in at last.  If any of the bottles are yours, you can come pick them up, leave them with us for use as needed, or arrange to get an intravenous treatment in the office  when you are up to it.  The HCG order is still unplaced (it's true!), as we have not easily reached those interested for credit card information - but I think Thursday is the day! MIC ("fat burner" shots) are not affected by this cessation in production, and will be available ongoingly - but I do not believe that they alone are the basis for a successful diet.  They are an adjunct to the HCG program or a useful part of a weight maintenance or diet protocol.

Believe it or not, my real intent in this post is to ask how all of you are thinking about "re-opening the economy."  I can only really come at it as a physician, and think about what is best for health and keeping people safe from physical harm and alive.  In fact, typing the letters "physic" twice just now, I am realizing that the title of my "job" directs me first to to the physical, even though I hope to think that in my work, I am equally interested in the emotional and spiritual, which for me are not separate.  Yet, my first thought is to save and protect and even address things through the physical.  

I know that many are tired of being indoors, and not being able to participate in their active lives, work, friends and family.  I also know that many are in financial need without work, and maybe the stimulus and other programs are not sufficient, whether for my patients or for so many others around the country.  And there are countless questions as to how to open things back up, at so many levels.

It's easy for me to say stay in as long as it takes to make things entirely safe, period.  But I am very curious and interested to hear what you all think, so I can gain a better idea of consensus, not from any politician with any agenda of any sort, not from TV media, not even from "TV" doctors, but from my brilliant, open-minded, and always-thinking-inside-and-outside the box patients - i.e., from a bunch of smart people!   

So, if you have a moment, sit down and tell me your thoughts about re-opening our economy and trying to "return to normal":  what makes sense to you, what excites you, your fears, your expectations, in this regard: when to re-open, how to re-open, etc.  I will read everything you say and if I hear get enough feedback, will put it together and share it with you so that you all can get a sense of how your fellow super-smart patients are thinking about this extremely critical issue.

Thank you as always for being you.  Knowing and working with you is a constant source of joy.

Stay safe, stay healthy, stay sane -

Best regards - 

Dr. Robin Ellen Leder

#13: Covid-19 Re-Opening thoughts & Testing Newly-Available

From the Desk of Robin Ellen Leder, M.D,

Good evening, Everybody!

Two brief topics for this evening.  First, I have already received a number of emails from you sharing your thoughts on re-opening the economy/nation.  Though I surely expected diversity, as well as a good deal of thought and intellect - as it is turning out (I hope to hear more) so far, the points of view shared are not only varied but expressed with a fair amount of conviction, and intensity/passion - so much so that I cannot honestly share everyone's thoughts in a sort of summary as I had hoped to do.  I think that some of the emails, all thoughtfully written and conceived, would be far too inflammatory to send on to other patients.  I sincerely appreciate them all, and your openness and trust in sharing them with me.  As I say, please send more if you would.  I think it's good to listen, and good to be heard. 

What I will say is that this reminds me, as a physician, that each and every person is remarkably unique, and so needs to be treated quite individually, with respect to their chemistry, their expectations, their wishes, their belief system, their lifestyle and background, etc.  There is no one-size-fits-all solution for any problem, and this makes me eternally grateful that I work in this realm of holistic, patient-centered medicine, and am not directly beholden to any insurance or drug companies.  I am blessed in  this, and thank you for your belief in the work we do together.

The other thing I wanted to bring to your attention is this note I received today from a trusted representative of a functional lab.  The rep used to work with Neuroscience, and I have known and respected her for any years; today,she sent me the following message:

Hi Dr. Leder

I hope you and your staff are all well!!  In addition to our T-cell Lyme testing Infectolab has COVID-19, IgA and IgG testing.  In addition to our CLEA certified lab in Minnesota we also have offices in Germany (BCA Clinic).  Our COVID-19 test is using the same antigen manufacturer in Germany as the Mayo Clinic.  The IgA/IgG test is $122.00, COVID-19 CPT codes are supplied, overnight shipping to Oakdale, Minnesota is included.  Results are available on line within 24 hours, the blood is shipped at room temperature, centrifuge is NOT required.

This test is highly specific and sensitive it is being used in offices to test staff and patients.  It will identify COVID-19 antibodies and convalescent plasma.  If you are interested, I have attached information and forms on COVID-19 testing.

Please let me know if you have any questions or if you want any additional information.

Thank you,


I am forwarding it to you to see if any of you are interested in having this type of testing, to find out if you have, in fact, been exposed to the virus, and have developed or are developing antibodies likely to confer immunity.  If this is of interest to you, i would be happy to order a test kit for you, or as a courtesy, for any member of your family.  The blood could be drawn at my office, with the usual drawing/handling fee that we charge for all outside labs. If you would like more information about the test, just let me know, and if you have questions about it for the rep, i will gladly pass them on to her.

Please give me feedback asap to let me know if this would interest you.  It is not super quick, but it has 24 hour turnaround time  (not bad), and it is readily accessible. And it does not involve the uncomfortable nasal swab of the earliest tests; it simply requires a blood draw,

Thanks for staying in touch.  As I have said again and again:
Stay safe, stay healthy, stay sane!

Best regards - 

Dr. Robin Ellen Leder

#14: Covid-19 A More Comprehensive Treatment Protocol

From the Desk of Robin Ellen Leder, M.D.

Hi everyone:

Yesterday I wrote to you and shared a Covid 19 protocol that, to me, appears to be well thought out, comprehensive, and makes sense.  I would like each of you to have a printed copy, and after I print it here, I will tell you why.  (Note: One of my wonderful patients copied the frame straight from the video, but unfortunately, the download couldn't be loaded here. I still want to thank her for what she did.  I am more easily able to print it from here download, so it helped me.)  Here is the protocol in its entirety:

Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Consortium
Protocol to Control Inflammation and Excess Clotting

1 - Intravenous Methylprednisolone, 60 mg/day X 5 days, followed by a switch to oral prednisone, to be tapered over an additional 6 days

2 - Full Dose Low Molecular Weight Heparin
1 mg/kg subcutaneous injection every 12 hours, until discharge

3 - High Dose Intravenous Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)
3 grams every 6 hours for 7 days until discharge

4 - Oral Hydroxychloraquine, 400 mg 2X daily on day 1 and 200 mg twice daily on day 2 through 5

Treatment of Low Oxygen

1 - If patient has low oxygen saturation on nasal cannula, switch to heated high flow nasal cannula

2 - Do not hesitate to increase flow limits as needed

3 - Avoid quick intubation that is based solely on oxygen requirements

4 - Intubate only if patient's breathing continues to be labored

5 - Utilize "prone positioning" to help improve oxygen saturation.

And that's it.

Yesterday, upon receipt of my email, this same patient had asked me the following question:

"Just wondering, if one were to go to the hospital for treatment of Covid 19 could we have the hospital contact you and would you, as our doctor, be able to request this specific protocol/treatment for us? If not, how would we go about obtaining this treatment?"

It was such an important question, and honestly, I don't have a perfect answer, but yes, what good is knowledge if those who could implement this protocol in a time of need are unaware or unwilling to use it?

Although my answer is quite imperfect, I wanted to share it with you. As always, I would like to hear your thoughts on the subject.  Maybe there is more to it that I haven't thought of, in fact, I am sure there is, but it is certainly worth thinking about,  Here was my answer:

"thank you so much
that's a really great question
i certainly would be very aggressive about getting this protocol
for myself and as i wrote
would literally be walking into the hospital with my bottle of vitamin c
and have a friend inject it into my iv if they had to
not kidding
i mean business!
as to heparin and methylprednisolone, 
i think i could talk them into it
if i could talk!
i could certainly share the video or info,
the precise protocol with anyone who would listen
i suggest you actually stop the video at the frame where the protocol is written down, and write it yourself
i may do that for everyone tomorrow, 
but i would present it as "this is what has worked"
and i want it!”

Sadly I just spoke with an NYU neurosurgeon I barely know
and asked him what he would do if a patient presented to him suffering from Covid-19
he said he would give them "warm fluids" and make them comfortable.  I told him about the protocol I sent to you and he said he would never give it because it is not proven 
and would need to be proven by clinical trials in order to protect him from getting sued for using and unproven treatment which was at once remarkable and scary as hell
but it's true! So I do believe that we need to advocate strongly for ourselves when it comes to dealing with the medical system especially if we are fighting for our lives or the lives of a loved one. You know I think tomorrow I will share this exchange with the rest of my patients! (which I am doing now!)

The guy is a researcher for NYU so he should be thinking out of the box, on the cutting edge
but .... his edge was not so cutting, not at all...

We must be our own best physicians in this rigid world. You, (and I mean all of you) I know, are up to the task. You never just say "ok" without thinking something through carefully.
You're on the right track, ..keep thinking, do not be suppressed! 

This was my response note, and do admit, my experience with this traditional doctor "freaked me out" quite a bit.  Fortunately, he is not on the front lines treating this disease.  And so, I hope that those who are are ready to take concrete, more practical action to improve outcomes in any way that does not appear risky  (none of the elements in the protocol outlined are in the risky category with the exception of the hydrochloraquine, which, as I have discussed here before, does have potentially serious side effects.)

As to the specifics of the protocol, I would add that I would likely include the use of the high dose zinc and probably the azithromycin as well, as these are also relatively benign additions, and, until a definitive cure or vaccine is established, i would not hesitate to use pieces of any and all protocols that have proven effective in a physician's experience.  In fact, I don't think I would use the hydrochoraquine without the addition of the zinc, which, BTW, can also be added to an IV easily enough.

BTW, we will be ordering a second round of injectable Vitamin C for those who want it, either to take in an immune enhancing IV or to reserve for "emergency use". 

Always more to add, more to come.  Everything can be a little crazy-making and overwhelming, at so many levels.  One "great" thing is that, at least while isolation continues, the pace of life is relatively slow, and there is no need to handle every aspect or issue in a given day. Of course, with respect to the financial, there may a time limit for some, for many.  But almost always, one more day to wait or to think -  or to do very little in isolation - is possible.

Call me if you need anything, to think something through, to talk.  Above all, stay safe, stay healthy, stay sane.

Best regards - 

Dr. Robin Ellen Leder

P.S.  Please make sure that you are SLEEPING adequately at night (7-8 hours).  Not uncommonly, during the days, we are able to handle the  scary, anxiety-provoking realities we face fairly well, but during the night, the anxiety upsets our sleep or causes disturbing dreams or nightmares.  Again, LMK if you need help.  It is "normal" to be kind of tired these days, but "night sleep" is a must to maintain all aspects of your health.


#15: Covid-19 The Critical Role of Pulse Oximetry

From the Desk of Robin Ellen Leder, M.D.

The most important thing I wanted to share with you, though you may well be familiar with it from the news, relates to how the disease (at its worst) progresses, and how to monitor your status and more accurately time the need for aggressive intervention. Actually, again, one of my amazing patients shared an article he read about this in the news, and I will share the link for the whole article with you.  In essence, it makes clear that, well before the symptoms of the disease become critically severe and call for hospitalization and ICU level care, a good deal of destruction to the lung tissue and function may have  already occurred while symptoms are mild. This damage to the lungs slowly and silently may begin to impair the transfer of oxygen into the body via the lungs (i.e., impeding their very function), potentially ultimately destroy in the tissue beyond viability/functionality completely.  This explains why those put on a ventilator when in need, due to severe shortness of breath, too often end up succumbing to the virus, never to recover.  Apparently, it is not really ventilation that they need at that point; what they need in fact is viable lung tissue, something no machine or medication can provide. 

In order to prevent this downward slide into dramatic consequences, the article points out that, prior to the very grave destruction phase, the "early onset of destruction" phase is detectable by the use of a pulse oximeter, a fairly inexpensive device that readily monitors ones “blood gas” level, i.e., the level of oxygen circulating in their blood.  This simple device, which clips onto the finger, can be used at home as soon as someone has ANY of the symptoms that may make them suspect early coronavirus, be it a cough, sore throat, headache, or diarrhea.  Because it is so easy to use - and non-invasive - there is NO GOOD REASON not to test it repeatedly, until and unless symptoms go away. It does appear that even when oxygen saturation (level) in the blood starts to decline, a person may well have no idea that there is any problem, as they may simply compensate for this with deeper and more rapid breathing.  And the change may occur so imperceptibly and slowly that it is not noticeable to that individual or even to those around them.  By the time breathing becomes severely labored, the person has already suffered considerable damage to the lung tissue, often so severe that recovery becomes difficult or impossible. 
Here is the article to read in its entirety:

The point: it is probably well worthwhile to buy a pulse oximeter, and use it to evaluate whether you need to start to institute any therapy beyond normal flu or cold measures.  It is an especially good idea if you or anyone in your family is in a higher risk category, where additional monitoring is warranted and may be life saving.You will immediately note that the article does not go further to say what to do once you see that the oxygen saturation is indeed dropping. It only tells you that this is an early warning sign that real trouble may lie ahead and prompt action should be taken. It seems to me at this time that the decline in oxygen saturation, if noted, should trigger the use of any or all of the protocols that we have discussed in our prior emails, or a trip to the hospital, asap, depending on one’s underlying health status, other symptoms, and age.

OK, this is what I wanted to share.  If you have questions about this or anything else, as always, be in touch.  Share any of your own thoughts, we are a smart, open-minded community of true health experts.  I always enjoy learning from you, and will make an effort to pass your wisdom on to others when you share it with me.

Stay safe, stay strong, stay smart, stay healthy, stay aware!!!

Dr. Robin Ellen Leder

#16 Covid-19 Lysol:Topical Use ONLY & Hydroxycholoraquine Requires Medical Supervision

From the Desk of Robin Ellen Leder, M.D.

First, I will say only this, and it is something that hopefully almost everyone in the world already knows: cleaning disinfectant products are for topical use only, period. They have no role in curing internal disease of any kind. I have heard that in parts of the world they have indeed been using bleach internally as a bodily disinfectant - and some of them have died. Almost needless to say.  the very thought of it shocks me.  Yet one workman in my building to whom I mentioned this today answered, "Yeah, but what if it works?"  And he is very well educated, articulate.  And he wasn't kidding - at all.  I can't say more on this, except I have to assume that if you did heard this suggestion at yesterday’s press briefing, you, well, didn't follow up on it, and do not plan to, ever. I will leave it at that.

Secondly, and in a similar vein, I just wanted to send out a reminder that hydroxycholraquine is not a benign drug by any means.  I think it is unclear whether it is helpful always or even sometimes in coronavirus treatment, but if it is, it is not to be used lightly or without taking heed of the warnings about its use.  Some folks asked me for the drug early on, and now have it at home.  Fortunately, I have not personally heard of any patients of mine who have tested positive, or certainly, who have had serious cases of the virus, but caution is still the key, self -isolation, social distancing, cleaning, etc. I do suggest that, while you are well, you please review the precautions about the use of hydroxychloraquine, on WebMD or similar, or I would be happy to resend them to you via your email.  Reviews are mixed but I do gather that it may be helpful, perhaps moreso with the zinc that has been proposed.  But certain subgroups are at special risk. If you are unsure as to whether you are in a high risk category, contact my office and we will send you information and if necessary, test your blood so that you have an idea in advance if you are a good candidate for this drug,  I think the IV C and Methylprednisolone with the heparin sounds safer to me, with addition of the other drugs if they are clinically called for and are not specifically contraindicated.

Stick with the program, be patient. Wealth means nothing without good health. Zero.

Best regards - 

Dr. Robin Ellen Leder

#17 Covid-19 The All- Encompassing Klinghardt Protocol and #18: Covid-19 So Far, Testing Is NOT Where It Needs to Be

#17: The All-encompassing Klinghardt Protocol

From the Desk of Robin Ellen Leder, M.D.

Good evening, wonderful patients!!

Yet another of my amazing patients has sent me different version of a very detailed and comprehensive Covid 19 protocol, complete with excellent explanations, of exactly when to use what, why they work, and dosages.  
Here is the protocol:  

Dr. Klinghardt is a highly respected naturally-based physician, researcher, and educator from Germany.  I think it is worth listening through every word of the audio and reviewing all of the slides, The protocol is packed with important information, more than I can begin to "highlight" here.  Listen, and really consider incorporating at least some of the pieces of the protocol into your regimen, both for prevention and for treatment in the various stages of this disease.

If any of you would be willing to type up the protocol, eliminating the need to refer to the slides going forward, that would be fantastic,, and enormously useful.  If you send it to me, I would surely make it immediately available to everyone through another email.  Some of the pieces of the protocol are easy enough to incorporate..  If anything interests you, and you cannot find it online, I will contact Dr. Klinghardts's office and look further into sources for the products he describes.

Please note that considerable evidence of the efficacy of the hydrochloraquine/azithromycin protocol is presented, so the negatives on it in the press are definitely subject to real questions in my mind.  This doesn't mean that the negative side effects cannot be quite serious.  Listen to the doctor's story about the blocking of that drug in Europe, and his thoughts about the relative dangers of hydroxychoraquine.  He says to use it at the onset of the dry cough. It is certainly cause to pause for thought.  BTW, I initially heard of the use of the drug as a remedy that worked successfully in China, not from the President in his conferences.

As I said, the presentation is an eye opener.  Note also his explanation of the "cytokine storm"  That is part of the evolution of the body's response to  the virus, leading to the outpouring of fluid into the lungs.  His prime treatment in this regard is melatonin in remarkably high doses, that would have to be in readiness (ordered well in advance) before the problem occurred, i.e., you would need to order and just keep at home for emergency use.  Other options are also offered, as are a number of herbal preparations.

The doctor does talk about the high risk associated with several things that have not been mentioned in the general literature:  dental issues, stress, and exposure to the newer 5G. Meditation and adequate sleep, and some exercise  are obvious preventives in that regard, but the other preventives are more urgently -needed additions in those with these higher risk considerations. 

He then discusses the value of "sartan" drugs, and the negative aspect of using ACE inhibitors (drugs like liisinopril and captopril).  If you are using any of these drugs, typically for lowering your blood pressure, please let me know, and we may wish to change them at this time to another option with a similar positive medical effect that is not in the ACE inhibitor category.

Lastly, on a different subject, I would like to add that I would like to suggest that you make an effort to record with some detail all contacts you have outside of the home.  This would be helpful not so much for you, but for those with whom you have had contact, so they could be easily and quickly made aware, if you should become positive for the virus.

As always, I would love to hear your thoughts on the material in this email, and any other thoughts you may be having.  I am here to answer, or to research any questions you may have,  

Thank you for your ongoing support, and for thinking things through so carefully.  We have no greater tools to use in figuring out our best path than our intellect, and our continuing willingness to learn.

Stay safe, stay strong, stay healthy, stay smart, stay sane.

Best regards - 

Dr. Robin Ellen Leder, M.D.

#18: Covid -19 Testing not yet where it needs to be

From the Desk of Robin Ellen Leder, M.D.

Hi everyone!  For the past hour, I have been sitting here watching a webinar on testing for Covid-19 (how to test, what each test may be useful for, when to test, etc.) and without going into every single thing they've discussed, here are the highlights according to me:

1 - Variables of time and the specifics of testing make a definitive result, especially with just a single test, nearly impossible at the present time. 
2 - A variety of tests and test samples for evaluating active infection are "usable." Some are more likely to capture active viral particles than others, some are more specific to the current Covid 19 strain as opposed to all other coronaviruses (e.g. the ones that cause the common cold) and some are more sensitive (most likely to pick up viral presence, but they may not be especially specific for Covid-19.)

3- Some tests may be useful tools for public health purposes, but none will be ideal or super-reliable until they are further validated than they are at present.
4- Clinical symptoms can be expected up to two or three weeks after exposure to virus if they ever are to occur.  Of course, they may never occur, even if exposure has occurred, Viral shedding and the ability to transmit disease is independent of the presence of symptoms. 

5 - It is unclear that everyone with exposure will develop antibodies ever, and conversely, it is unclear that everyone who does develop antibodies (at the 3 to 4 week point) will have a lesser chance of becoming re-infected, or even of having a milder case than the first time. 

6 - In short, tests are not yet what they need to be, and not a very good or reliable way to assess illness, past or prior, at least not yet.

7- (This is not in the webinar) At this point, it appears to me that the most important things are :
a - to protect yourself and your family with the well-known strategies of distancing and hygiene
b - using the homeopathic. nutritional and treatment protocols for appropriate phases of the illness  that we have already discussed in my prior emails, and
c - using strategies like symptom tracking, pulse oximetry, and testing of serum ferritin (mentioned in the Klinghardt protocol I sent two days ago) to get a good idea of if and when things may be moving in a direction requiring more aggressive interventions.

Approaching the virus and its potential manifestation in this proactive way will leave you empowered to do the right things at the right time, and can take away a lot of the feeling of powerlessness and fear of "what may happen."
I think we have all learned enough about prevention and treatment by now to have a sense that we are not just sitting ducks, not at all. There are plenty of effective strategies to use, and learning, planning, and choosing how we want to respond now and in advance can really go a long way to provide best outcomes for us and those we love.

If you have questions, I would be very happy to hear them, always; I hope you know that by now.  And one more thing:

Stay strong, stay well, stay open-minded, stay connected, stay sane.

Best regards - 

Dr Robin Ellen Leder

# 19 Updated New York State Status and #20: Covid-19 Your Knowledge Is Power, So Don’t Hesitate to Use It and Share It

#19: Updated New York State Status

From the Desk Of Robin Ellen Leder, M.D.

Hello My Dear Patients!

I thought you might be interested in what NYS has to say to us as physicians regarding testing.  You will see that the PDF I have included here ends in an offering of FAQ for patients, so this may answer or at lease address things that have been on your mind. 

Remember that "the opinions stated here do not necessarily represent those of the author of this letter"!!  If you really want to know my viewpoint, feel free to ask any time :-) But in the interest of objectivity, I like to share all information with you, and allow all of my brilliant and independent-thinking patients to draw their own conclusions and choose their own courses.  We work as a team, and I am here to investigate, suggest, and advise, and to help you to carry out any reasonable plan you finally elect in the safest and best way.  If you would like to discuss? I think this is where I may decide to have a blog, and share some very personal beliefs.  But this is not that venue, this is an informational site for my patients.  So:

Click to view the NYS Department of Health Notification:

OK guys, keep thinking things through, keep steering your course and re-directing as need be as new information continues to become available daily.

Stay safe and healthy and smart and strong and sane!

Best regards to you all -

Dr. Robin Ellen Leder

Note : Pulse oximeter supplies are not vast.  I have researched online,so if you need a supplier, LMK.

#20 Covid-19: Your Knowledge Is Power, so Don’t Hesitate to Use It and Share It

Good morning to all:

Well, I have good news and bad news.

First the good.  I sincerely believe that with the tools we have discussed, you have it in your power to prevent the corona virus from becoming part of your life, and should  you or a loved one become positive, you have the means to treat it rationally at every phase.  Slowly the pieces have fallen into place for me, and after listening to the talk by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt that I sent perhaps a week ago, I feel much more at peace knowing what to do and when.

Today, again, one of the super-bright patients in this community of which you are all a part sent me another very important video for you to listen to and share with friends and family, and I thank her for sharing this with us.

You are already aware of the use of pulse oximetry from the news article we shared over a week ago, but what is novel for me here is that the speaker on this video is talking from direct clinical experience in the hospital with patients, and he is an expert in this field of critical pulmonary/airway care; he speaks as a physician specialist.  Listen to his manner as well as the content, from beginning to end, and you can decide for yourself if he engenders trust and a sense of calm, much as Klinghardt did for me immediately upon listening.  For me, he answered so many important questions, and had a radically different approach to hospitalization overall.

When you copy and paste the YouTube video link below, you will again hear the importance of pulse ox, as well as when to use it, and how much it can impact outcomes.  And here, outcomes translates to "saving lives - or not":

Here is the video:
(you may have to copy and paste this, I do not think a click will work)

I hope that watching this gives you a much stronger sense of empowerment vis-a-vis this virus, how it can be rationally approached and managed,  and how to modify and control its potential impact on your life.

So, that is the good.  You may consider the bad to be just as bad, and in a certain way, very profoundly and acutely, it certainly is. But I also think it  serves to emphasize your own critical role in facing this challenge in the most unforgettable way.

One of my patients told me of her husband who was currently hospitalized with Covid, and had been for some weeks.  With her permission, I tell you their story.  When we initially spoke, I reminded my patient of the elements of the protocol for treatment as laid out by Kinghardt and others, and she immediately relayed them verbatim to the hospitalists taking care of him.  They sounded very receptive, and told her that they would proceed to institute the protocol;  frankly, I was excited to see how well it worked.  

Several days later, she let me know that the hospital said her husband was not expected to live and we were obviously very distressed.  We called the hospital just to check on how he was being treated, and as it turns out, they were NOT following her requests, not by a long shot. The 220 mg. of zinc daily was 50 mg only. The IV vitamin C (50 grams  daily over the full daily for the very ill ) was translated into giving the patient a 1500 mg. tablet, crushed for oral consumption. We rushed to institute the full intensive protocol to include the melatonin that Klinghardt prescribes for cytokine storm, as well as all of the other active elements.  The next day, my patient's husband was gone.  

The story is a true tragedy on so many levels. The first, clearly, is the the loss of an amazing childhood sweetheart, husband, father  and grandfather for my patient and her family,  The next, the failure of the hospital to do the protocol, or moreover, to not do it while the said they were in fact doing it (i e. lying, or at least behaving with profound negligence).  And so the third, the staff of the hospital apparently not really comprehending the relevance of the pieces of the protocol to the different aspects of the disease's evolution in Covid.  (In fact, if all of you have listened to the information I have shared vial email and embedded videos, I believe that you understand things far better than they.)  And clinically, this was the loss of an opportunity for the hospital staff (and for me) to learn how this protocol works on a patient, and possibly make it available to use for other patients going forward.  It is hard for me to understand the responses of the hospital here at such a critical time, but this is a true story, so I must accept that such can indeed happen.

But inherent in this situation, for me, there is a lesson that is vastly important to learn, or reiterate.  We are in control, or should I say, we have been given a great deal of control, information many may not have synthesized or even be aware of.  But to achieve success, we must be extremely proactive at every step of the way, in pursuing treatment and resolution, whatever it takes, whatever that may means.  And if we do believe in G-d or believe in any sort of synchrony with G-d or with the power of the Universe or nature, our efforts can enable this power to work through us and provide the best possible results.  

Always, ultimately,  G-d's will, or this universal will shall be done, but we can be part of the plan, or we surely must try.  This power works through people, and we must work to implement at the right time, using our tools.  Remember the NYU doctor I talked about several weeks ago, who told me that if I go to him with Covid in the hospital, he will treat me with "warm fluids."  I, we, cannot simply leave our fate to doctors, to anyone.  We have the knowledge they may not have, and they must work with us to get this done: we may be the teachers here, to guide them in a better approach,  It is has been this way for followers of the holistic approach forever, and it is doubly important now.  It is not about how it should or shouldn't be, this is how it is, and open-minded doctors need to work with us, now.  When they do, they will learn and be more fulfilled too.  That's what I believe.

My heart and soul go out to my patient and her family.  She is a brave, beautiful, and exceptional woman, one of the best I have known, and she fought for her husband right to the end.  I hope and pray, perhaps in her honor, that I may hear stories going forward where patients are using the tools themselves, and sharing them pointedly with physicians as needed, early, and unswervingly.  These approaches come from China, South Korea, Germany, and from our most brilliant hospitalists who are paying attention to outcomes.  The experience there is vast, and the science has been followed by these countries and these physicians with success.  Let's learn from them and in turn, let our physicians learn from us. The knowledge is there, and in our hands.

Stay safe, stay healthy, stay strong, stay purposeful, stay sane.

Best regards -

Dr. Robin Ellen Leder

#21: Covid-19: With Your Support, We Can Share the Knowledge

From the Desk of Robin Ellen Leder, M.D.

Hello again, folks:

Two in one day? I know it's a lot :-) but this time, I am specifically asking for you help in figuring some things out, things I don't know much about.

Let me start by saying thank you so much to all of you who took the time to write patient reviews for me and for my office a few short months ago when I asked for your assistance in sharing your thoughts and experiences with others.  My ratings did improve, nearly overall.  The one exception has been Yelp, who, in their wisdom, for some reason, buried nearly all of the wonderful reviews you guys wrote in a "hidden" section that is not shown upfront, a section that is not averaged into my "rating", and continued to use the old reviews from people I have never treated as the basis of the "rating" they display.  But Google, Vitals, and Healthgrades do all show what you wrote for newcomers to read, and it makes me happy to speak with new callers who already have some real idea of how things "are" in my office.  What brought this whole reviews/ratings thing to mind now specifically was my receiving an email from Vitals today confirming that I am getting three new physician awards this year, based on your amazing reviews.  Take a look if you like: I thank you all for your massive help. 

If you have not been on any of the sites yet, and might have a good word to share about Karen and I, and the office, and your experiences, now is a perfect time to go to all of those sites and fill out a review form.  Business during corona has been tough of course, but we are hanging in and trying to serve you without interruption.  Building our business back up after this difficult time will certainly be easier with your positive reviews on these patient-resource venues, as they really do greatly influence the physician selection process for new patients. 

Here is the other thing for which I am seeking your help, and it's a big one.  I have been thinking ways to "distribute" the information we have been sharing together in my recent emails (often based on input from you all), to others beyond my own patient base.  Since I have been emphasizing to you that patients must lead the way in their care, I am thinking that if I can share this information most effectively with others on the web, maybe it can be disseminated via patients to their physicians or hospitalists, and outcomes can be improved among patients at all stages of the illness (from prevention all the way to pulmonary crisis), using this very basic information of which we have all become aware.

As an ABSOLUTE internet novice, I am not at all sure what venue you (with so much more internet and technical and social media experience and expertise than I) might suggest would be the best place to post the letters I have written to you online to reach the most people.  The choices that occur to me (and maybe there are better ones of which I am completely unaware?)

1- A blog page on my own website,
2 - A blog page on my other website called, that lists all of the practitioners of many different licensed modalities in the North Jersey area (sort of a provider directory for patients)
3 - My office Facebook page,
4 - A separate blog site of some sort with which you may be familiar 

If you have any good ideas about how to best share this information that I think could be useful and is written in a (hopefully) straightforward and usable way, I would love to hear any and all of your thoughts.  I think maybe we can help people beyond our community with a project like this, and then other people could share new pieces of the puzzle with us on the same site, as many of you already have, and we can all keep learning together.  That is part of who we all are, and as a group, we have a lot to give. Now I think we just have to find the best, most effective way to give it!!!

Thank you all for being everything you are;  I feel like now it is the time to take our community to the next level, the level of general group service.  Are you with me? 

Stay safe, stay smart, stay strong, stay caring, stay sane.

Best regards -

Dr. Robin Ellen Leder

Note : Clearly this was written before these letters were posted to this blog - but this is just one approach. If you have other ideas, perhaps videos, other chat rooms of any sort, where we can talk with a wider audience, just contact my office and we will be happy to engage with you and eager to hear your ideas.


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