#17 Covid-19 The All- Encompassing Klinghardt Protocol and #18: Covid-19 So Far, Testing Is NOT Where It Needs to Be

#17: The All-encompassing Klinghardt Protocol

From the Desk of Robin Ellen Leder, M.D.

Good evening, wonderful patients!!

Yet another of my amazing patients has sent me different version of a very detailed and comprehensive Covid 19 protocol, complete with excellent explanations, of exactly when to use what, why they work, and dosages.  
Here is the protocol:

Dr. Klinghardt is a highly respected naturally-based physician, researcher, and educator from Germany.  I think it is worth listening through every word of the audio and reviewing all of the slides, The protocol is packed with important information, more than I can begin to "highlight" here.  Listen, and really consider incorporating at least some of the pieces of the protocol into your regimen, both for prevention and for treatment in the various stages of this disease.

If any of you would be willing to type up the protocol, eliminating the need to refer to the slides going forward, that would be fantastic,, and enormously useful.  If you send it to me, I would surely make it immediately available to everyone through another email.  Some of the pieces of the protocol are easy enough to incorporate..  If anything interests you, and you cannot find it online, I will contact Dr. Klinghardts's office and look further into sources for the products he describes.

Please note that considerable evidence of the efficacy of the hydrochloraquine/azithromycin protocol is presented, so the negatives on it in the press are definitely subject to real questions in my mind.  This doesn't mean that the negative side effects cannot be quite serious.  Listen to the doctor's story about the blocking of that drug in Europe, and his thoughts about the relative dangers of hydroxychoraquine.  He says to use it at the onset of the dry cough. It is certainly cause to pause for thought.  BTW, I initially heard of the use of the drug as a remedy that worked successfully in China, not from the President in his conferences.

As I said, the presentation is an eye opener.  Note also his explanation of the "cytokine storm"  That is part of the evolution of the body's response to  the virus, leading to the outpouring of fluid into the lungs.  His prime treatment in this regard is melatonin in remarkably high doses, that would have to be in readiness (ordered well in advance) before the problem occurred, i.e., you would need to order and just keep at home for emergency use.  Other options are also offered, as are a number of herbal preparations.

The doctor does talk about the high risk associated with several things that have not been mentioned in the general literature:  dental issues, stress, and exposure to the newer 5G. Meditation and adequate sleep, and some exercise  are obvious preventives in that regard, but the other preventives are more urgently -needed additions in those with these higher risk considerations. 

He then discusses the value of "sartan" drugs, and the negative aspect of using ACE inhibitors (drugs like liisinopril and captopril).  If you are using any of these drugs, typically for lowering your blood pressure, please let me know, and we may wish to change them at this time to another option with a similar positive medical effect that is not in the ACE inhibitor category.

Lastly, on a different subject, I would like to add that I would like to suggest that you make an effort to record with some detail all contacts you have outside of the home.  This would be helpful not so much for you, but for those with whom you have had contact, so they could be easily and quickly made aware, if you should become positive for the virus.

As always, I would love to hear your thoughts on the material in this email, and any other thoughts you may be having.  I am here to answer, or to research any questions you may have,  

Thank you for your ongoing support, and for thinking things through so carefully.  We have no greater tools to use in figuring out our best path than our intellect, and our continuing willingness to learn.

Stay safe, stay strong, stay healthy, stay smart, stay sane.

Best regards - 

Dr. Robin Ellen Leder, M.D.

#18: Covid -19 Testing not yet where it needs to be

From the Desk of Robin Ellen Leder, M.D.

Hi everyone!  For the past hour, I have been sitting here watching a webinar on testing for Covid-19 (how to test, what each test may be useful for, when to test, etc.) and without going into every single thing they've discussed, here are the highlights according to me:

1 - Variables of time and the specifics of testing make a definitive result, especially with just a single test, nearly impossible at the present time. 
2 - A variety of tests and test samples for evaluating active infection are "usable." Some are more likely to capture active viral particles than others, some are more specific to the current Covid 19 strain as opposed to all other coronaviruses (e.g. the ones that cause the common cold) and some are more sensitive (most likely to pick up viral presence, but they may not be especially specific for Covid-19.)

3- Some tests may be useful tools for public health purposes, but none will be ideal or super-reliable until they are further validated than they are at present.
4- Clinical symptoms can be expected up to two or three weeks after exposure to virus if they ever are to occur.  Of course, they may never occur, even if exposure has occurred, Viral shedding and the ability to transmit disease is independent of the presence of symptoms. 

5 - It is unclear that everyone with exposure will develop antibodies ever, and conversely, it is unclear that everyone who does develop antibodies (at the 3 to 4 week point) will have a lesser chance of becoming re-infected, or even of having a milder case than the first time. 

6 - In short, tests are not yet what they need to be, and not a very good or reliable way to assess illness, past or prior, at least not yet.

7- (This is not in the webinar) At this point, it appears to me that the most important things are :
a - to protect yourself and your family with the well-known strategies of distancing and hygiene
b - using the homeopathic. nutritional and treatment protocols for appropriate phases of the illness  that we have already discussed in my prior emails, and
c - using strategies like symptom tracking, pulse oximetry, and testing of serum ferritin (mentioned in the Klinghardt protocol I sent two days ago) to get a good idea of if and when things may be moving in a direction requiring more aggressive interventions.

Approaching the virus and its potential manifestation in this proactive way will leave you empowered to do the right things at the right time, and can take away a lot of the feeling of powerlessness and fear of "what may happen."
I think we have all learned enough about prevention and treatment by now to have a sense that we are not just sitting ducks, not at all. There are plenty of effective strategies to use, and learning, planning, and choosing how we want to respond now and in advance can really go a long way to provide best outcomes for us and those we love.

If you have questions, I would be very happy to hear them, always; I hope you know that by now.  And one more thing:

Stay strong, stay well, stay open-minded, stay connected, stay sane.

Best regards - 

Dr Robin Ellen Leder
