10: Covid-19 Medications Restricted by NJ Consumer Affairs

From the Desk of Robin Ellen Leder, M.D.

I received the below message from the state today, so there can be no further  prescriptions of the listed drugs for precautionary reasons: They are now entirely restricted to those who require them actively and acutely for severe cases of suspected corona, or better yet, proven corona, or for the uses for which they were originally intended (auto-immune disease and malaria).  Thank you for understanding this.  These drugs have been sequestered by some physicians in enormous amounts in the same manner as toilet paper, and so, for the protection of the ill and potentially ill, this situation had to be brought to a halt. 

I appreciate your understanding the current situation. Know that with this mandate in place, there is every reason to expect that, should you ever be in real, acute need of these drugs, there is a far greater chance that they will be available to you and your acute care team, as well as to others suffering severe symptoms.  So in fact, by following this restrictive mandate, you may end up saving your life or the life of someone you care about deeply. 

Thank you again.

Dr. Robin Ellen Leder


Administrative Order Imposing Emergency Statewide Restrictions on Certain Prescription Medications - UPDATE:

Dear Health Care Provider,
The Division of Consumer Affairs issued an Administrative Order on March 29, 2020, imposing statewide restrictions on prescribing and dispensing of certain drugs that are in short supply, including chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine.
Today, the Division issued 
Administrative Order 2020-03 which supersedes Administrative Order 2020-01. The new order reiterates the restrictions contained in the prior order, but includes additional exceptions for prescriptions to patients in post-acute care facilities, assisted living facilities, nursing homes and skilled nursing facilities.

Thank you again for your service during these difficult times.
Paul R. Rodríguez
Acting Director
Division of Consumer Affairs
Office of the New Jersey Attorney General


