#9: Covid-19 Hydroxychloraquine, Get HCG while it Lasts, and Chris Mann

From the Desk of Robin Ellen Leder, M.D.
Hi Everyone:

I hope that this email finds you all safe, secure, and peaceful in your homes, and maybe you are even enjoying the peace and free time in some ways.

I haven’t much new to say.  Just a few odds and ends.

It has become difficult to obtain any of the hydrocholoraquine without an actual positive diagnosis of Covid 19.  That is good and bad, I think.  Bad because some people want to have it as a back-up, I understand.  But not so bad, as I do get a sense that if someone really is symptomatic, the drug is available, and will remain available with this new pharmacy policy.  So, do stay in touch if you are not feeling quite yourself, and we can figure out the next appropriate step.

Our first orders of Vitamin C will not arrive until April 13, so the turnaround time is longer that I would have liked it to be.  Such being the case, if you have considered doing an IV to enhance your immune system it would be a great idea to order sooner than later. As you know I am not equipped to treat you once you are symptomatic, so please do not wait until that scenario is in play.
It now appears much less clear exactly how the virus is spread, and it is clear that asymptomatic positive patients can infect those around them. So! Look at every single person around you and everything you touch outside as potential sources of trouble. For the sake of others looking at you just the same way, consider wearing a mask. However as you know by now, it will not likely protect you, it is mainly for the protection and peace of mind of those around you.  I will say that when I touch anything out of my house now, doorknobs, whatever, I think of it like it is covered in dog poop, and behave accordingly!
As to blood drawing, I am happy to draw your blood in my office if you don’t want to go to a lab. That would be understandable. Normally, when we draw in our office for any “outside lab” other that Quest or Labcorp, we do charge a fee of $50 for handling for non-Medicare patients.  If we draw for Quest or Labcorp at his time, as we do not have the lab reps in the office at this time, the fee will be $20 for the same group of people. Both labs are normally able to do in home blood draws, but I honestly do not know if in-home service is currently available. The Medicare fee for venipuncture is lower, set by Medicare themselves.
Last, I want to go over the HCG question in greater detail, for those who are interested.
Karen is about to place our HCG order.  The cost of this product, no longer being manufactured in the USA, has gone up, fortunately not by much.  At this point, we are asking for $150 up front for two vials, in order to hold it for you.  This is enough for a 6 week course of treatment.  When you decide to “activate your vials” and move forward to do an actual 6 week diet course, you will owe us an additional $125. Thus, the cost of a 6 week course of HCG will now be $275 instead of the prior $250.  If you need to go further than 6 weeks, or think you may, plan ahead and order an extra vial at $75.  Your next week of the diet (week 7) will be included in the $75, and the second week will cost $35, and thereafter, $55 per week, until your product is used up. 
The expiration dates on the vials currently being sold are in January and February of 2021.  We will try our best to get the bottles that offer the longest shelf lives. Thank you for your flexibility, and sorry for the slightly increased price.  I knew this might well happen when the supply became finite.  And apologies as well for the somewhat complex purchase arrangement; I do not want to purchase a bunch of vials that will not be used, nor for you to pay for a program you many never actually initiate, so this is the compromise I came up with.  Note that at best, HCG will be available for purchase for another few weeks only so please do act soon if it interests you or if you have questions.

Nothing much more to add. I am grateful to be in touch with so many of you, and I am here to discuss any medical or emotional or even logistical concerns you may have at this time, be they Covid-related or not.
And here is something that you all may enjoy if you have not heard it yet.  Three cute/funny songs in a row by Chris Mann, a contestant from season 2 of “The Voice”:
https://youtu.be/M5azNpTwVk8  (you may need to cut and paste in address bar)
If you like the first song, there are two more to follow if you just let it keep playing after the first is done, and don’t change the YouTube channel.  And what a voice! I cannot imagine that the winner that season was better than this guy!  He is also featured on YouTube on several different versions of Andrea Bocelli’s mega-hit “The Prayer.” He is quite a serious vocalist.  Hope you enjoy him.
OK.  Peace, love and virtual hugs to all.

Dr. Robin Ellen Leder

P.S.  I miss hearing new jokes.  If you have any, please send them my way! Thanks!
