#1: Covid-19 The Covid Preliminaries

From the Desk of Robin Ellen Leder, M.D.

Email: a.better.alternative.medical@gmail.com
March 5, 2020
Hi Everyone!
I am not a “newsletter” person or a Facebook/Twitter person, but a subject has now arisen that I do think we need to address as best we can together: the onset of the new Coronavirus and its potential spread to our area and surrounding areas, As you may know, there are already a number of cases in New York (higher number than any other U.S. state to date), and as of this morning, 11 cases were known in New Jersey.  With more undoubtedly to come.
Before I go into detail, I want to emphasize that in a negative case scenario, if ANYONE does in fact become infected or is suspected of being infected, they will likely be quarantined, and they will be unable to come to my office for immune enhancement at that time. So NOW is the time for any discussion and action.
In this context I have several thoughts to share. I welcome any you have, but here are mine:

1. The facts we know about Coronavirus are relatively few. Even the mortality rate is unclear, as many undetected milder cases may exist or have existed.  If so, and if these folks lived, the 2-3% mortality rate that is quoted may actually be considerably lower. But it also may not.  The real fact is, we just don’t know enough at this point. What does seem to be emerging is a picture of an illness that affects older people disproportionately and has more serious outcomes in older people that is does affect.  The immune compromised, or those with chronic medical conditions, appear to be hardest hit.
2. Consider going on a vigorous regimen enhanced over your normal one, to improve your immune status.  We can look at your current regiment together and see how to augment or improve it. There are several nutritional things that might be particularly helpful.These include not only nutrients you may be familiar with, but also some unique homeopathics specifically targeted to viral infections.
3. Make sure your adrenals and thyroid are being fully and optimally treated. They are an integral component of your immune system. Testing, as you know is available; is yours current?

4.  THIS IS A BIG ONE!  Consider a series of Vitamin C/Vitamin B complex infusions (IV’s) to boost your immune status in a very proactive way.

I have been administrating “vitamin drips” for 30 years and have seen dramatic effects in increasing vitality and reducing or eliminating recurrent colds and infections, i.e., boosting immunity.  I wish that everyone could offer these treatments to patients in our area, but they certainly won’t be doing that. I have to focus on the health of my specific patient group, and this is the single most helpful thing I can offer, especially to those who are older, have pre-existing medical conditions that may put them at risk, or are tired/fatigued and in general, experiencing low energy. Now is the time to correct this, and this is a great, quick way.

5. Consider scheduling an appointment to review your supply of medications, asap. Although I like to test very regularly to maintain ideal balance, I am concerned about potential shortage of medical supplies if countries that supply us become quarantined, so in such a case some medications ordered in advance would likely be better than none. So, at the very least, make sure now that all testing is well up-to-date and that your "stockpile" of all medications and supplements is ample.
This whole situation may NOT affect us in a major way medically; no one can say. But I can say that being prepared can only be a good thing, and the measures I am suggesting are, I think, moderate.
In short, proactive, not pressured, and certainly NOT panic. Thoughtful, conservative action. 

Please contact my office if you have questions or to let me know how I can help you with any concerns about Coronavirus. And please, if you have useful suggestions of your own, for yourself or for the community, speak up and share them, without fear of judgement. I am interested in whatever you have to say. This is a global issue, so please, let’s think about it and work on it together.
Thank you and best regards,

Dr. Robin Ellen Leder
