Introduction to "THE COVID-19 LETTERS"

From the Desk of Robin Ellen Leder, M.D.

I have been sending emails to my patients since the beginning of the pandemic, and as the body of knowledge we were sharing as a community grew, I thought it would be useful to share it with folks outside of my patient group.  I didn’t make any changes in them in deciding to post them here, so some of the items are really meant for my patients, specifically.  But for the most part, the emails have been a vehicle to share knowledge, often videos sent by other patients for me to watch.  I have posted them in the order that they were sent, so you can have the same experience as my patients of learning things as they came to light, and not all at once, in an overwhelming fashion.  Consider the points of view and protocols expressed here, take what is interesting to you and incorporate it into your life or your own belief system, and leave the rest.  And if you feel that you have something new to share, by all means, send it to my office email, via the “contact us” page on this site, and if it looks like it provides new and useful information for all to read, I will gladly, with your permission, include in it future posts and future emails to my patients. 

Join us in this learning, supportive venture.  As is constantly reiterated on TV and everywhere you look, we are all in this together. 

Stay safe, stay strong, stay healthy, stay smart, stay sane, in no special order.

Best regards!

Dr. Robin Ellen Leder


This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment.

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