#5: Covid-19 Chinese Studies on the Use of Intravenous Vitamin C

From the Desk of Robin Ellen Leder, MD

This link is to a wonderful video from a Chinese physician explaining the strategies they have used to achieve successful outcomes.  Most of the video focuses on Vitamin C. 


I could not wait to share this with you until tomorrow morning.  Thanks to your fellow patient for sending it to me. I am delighted to share this with everyone, first to see that this condition is not entirely unmanageable, there are usable strategies, and second, to show you that one of the best is at our disposal right here and right now - our old standby for so many years, Intravenous Vitamin C. Note that the levels used in the NY article I sent earlier this evening are so much lower  than those used in China, and even they are effective. The Chinese protocols are much more in line with the way I have used Vitamin C intravenously for years and years. 
I watched a movie today, that I thought would be a typical "Steve McQueen" type of movie, as he was in fact the star of the movie, but instead, it was quite unexpectedly a movie version of a Henrik Ibsen play.  In it (it's called "The Enemy of the People"), he plays a doctor whose thoughts are at odds with those of the town completely. He states in his impassioned argument that "the majority is always about 50 years behind when it comes to understanding/accepting the truth", so majority rule or consciousness is a remarkably unreliable marker for what is actually so.
Amazingly, Ibsen was spot on when it comes to intravenous C. This therapy is at least that old, and it is stunning that even in this dire medical scenario, its use has barely been adopted for hospital/therapeutic use so far.  I am personally inspired by this, and will order some Vitamin C for myself on Thursday for personal intravenous use. (As I said, earlier, it must be ordered patient by patient)  You may wish to consider the same.

As always,

Best regards -

Dr. Robin Ellen Leder
