#6: Covid-19 The Homeopathic Protocol for Covid-19

From the Office of Robin Ellen Leder, M.D.

Hi Everyone! Happy Friday!

I hope that you have been doing good things while the time exists.  What a beautiful day for a walk outside with a friend who is walking 6 feet away! :-)
So, I am writing today (yes, again!!) to clarify a few things I have brought up in the past

1- First an issue with these emails themselves.  For some folks, they are going to junk mail/spam.  If you would like to make sure to get them, look in junk/spam and if you see one there, just select it and click above on “not spam” and from then on, they will go to your inbox.  Many of your responses have been going to my junk too, but now I am aware, so I have been trying to remember to check.  Sorry if I miss your email for that reason!

2- I am going to cut and paste the newly revised homeopathic regimen that I have mentioned in the past. Many people have asked for it, so I think this is the easiest way to get it to all of those who want it, rather than one at a time:
Homeopathic protocol
I am going to give you the specifics for the homeopathic protocol that I am following here
you will need to order the following per person. They will drop ship to you,right to your home. It's pointless to have it all come to me, and you need to start it right away.
For each of you, you will need:
GUNA flu  12 packages
Citomix   2 packages
Gamma-12   2 bottles
1L-7   3 bottles
IL-2  1 bottle
They are to be taken as follows:
GUNA flu, 1 ampule daily (if you feel symptomatic, take every 4-6 hours)
Citomix, 5 pellets, under the tongue, 2X daily
IL-7, 20 drops on the tongue 2X daily
And these next two are only if you are getting/feeling sick:
Gamma -12, 20 drops on your tongue 2-3 times daily
IL-2,  20 drops on your tongue, 2-3 times daily
So in total, the amount I wrote above should be good for one person
so you will need double that to maintain this protocol

GUNA's telephone number is 1 888 GUNA-TEL
and you may call any time of day or night, that is the cell of the local rep...
Note: a patient who uses GUNA regularly friend also suggested GUNA virus (5 pellets 2X daily)
And for relief of the cough itself, GUNA cough. For a sore throat, I advise Guna oral spray, it’s amazingly effective, and acts immediately to relieve a sore throat!
Just say that you were referred by me and that you are looking for physician pricing...
3.  Regarding IV Vitamin C, I think it is worth considering buying a bottle or two and keeping aside for yourself, either at home or at my office, whichever you prefer. In case you decide that you do want to take a few IV’s, it will be there. That may sound like overkill, but I am planning to take some with me to the hospital if I ever, heaven help me, need to go.  I strongly believe, that this is the surest way to create a positive outcome for me, and it is unclear that any given hospital may have this on hand for me.  I am basing my confidence in the efficacy of this therapy not only on my years of experience since first using it at Dr. Atkins’ office, but moreover, on the most recent studies in China in treating moderate to severe coronavirus with exceptional success.  Remember that in my office, I am NOT equipped to provide IV’s to those who are already symptomatic, only as an immune boosting preventative therapy prior to that point.  Hence my suggestion is to do it now if you are so inclined, and/or to keep a bottle or bottles on hand for use in the hospital if that should ever be necessary.

4. Last for today: This would be an excellent time to think about creating a plan of action in case you do feel symptomatic, or feel the need to go to a hospital facility.  You can start thinking about where to go and what must get done and how and by whom.  Do you have a living will in case you are not up to giving instructions for yourself in a hospital?  Which hospital might you go to?  Who will be taking care of those for whom you are responsible (kids, parents, spouse), and do they know quite what to do?  I think that if you have a written plan, it will be much easier to get directly to a facility if you need to go, and you will do so with far greater peace of mind.  Needless to say, we are thinking of everything possible now so that this option never comes into play.

Best regards –
Dr. Robin Ellen Leder
