#7: Covid-19 Hydroxychloraquine, Zinc, Azithromycin Protocol

From the Desk of Robin Ellen Leder M.D.

Someone at my OA Zoom meeting mentioned this article and I have been almost joyful ever since!

If this is accurate...well, you guys can ALL do this, I am confident.

Share it with as many people as you know:


(I'll bet you are surprised to see a link to Fox News coming from me :-) See that? I am an equal opportunity seeker of good information and good news!)

With the basic strategy described in this article, and immune enhancement, and distancing, I thing we will all be OK.  G-d (or whoever you think of as your "Higher Power") bless you all.  I hope this article brings you the same peace of mind it has brought to me, and helps you enjoy your Sunday just a little bit more.

Best regards -

Dr. Robin Ellen Leder

#8: Covid-19 Caution in Using Hydroxychloroquine

From the Desk of Robin Ellen Leder, M.D.

As I have told some of you via phone or email,  we will be ordering Vitamin C and HCG for our patients, and we will be doing this on Tuesday, March 31st (tomorrow).

I have been waiting to hear back on the cost of these products, and have only heard from one of the two labs I contacted for Vitamin C so far.  Nonetheless, I am forwarding this initial information to you so that you can order before this lab changes their rates on 4/1/20.  I will be giving you the vials outright, or keeping them in the refrigerator for you, whichever you prefer.  The 100 ml bottles will run you $53.50.  On the 4/1/20, the price will be going up to $70.  The product is in high demand, and this is to be expected. 

Note that to do one drip in my office, the cost is $205.  The cost of the bottle would be deducted from this if you leave the bottle with me.  I cannot take a bottle that you have held in your home and infuse it, albeit sealed.  I cannot assure you that a hospital would do this either if you brought your bottle with you., but if I should be compelled to go, I will certainly ask them to do so - vigorously!!

Also note that 100 ml. is enough for two or possibly even three treatments, but this particular brand is preservative-free, and can only be used once opened for a few brief hours.  This would be OK for you and a family member to use, but again, I cannot treat non-patients in my office, so I could only treat a family member whom I had taken in as a patient formally prior.

The other group from whom I am trying to obtain vitamin C has both C with preservative and preservative-free, and it does come in smaller bottles (30 ml.)  This might be a better option for some. but I do not know the price or if/when I will be able to put an order through. Of course when that information becomes available, I will inform you all immediately via this same channel.

As to the HCG, we will be ordering for patients and storing it exclusively in our refrigerators.  The option to take it home will not exist. The expiration date is 3/31/21.  A typical course of diet-use HCG requires two bottles.  If you proceed with the diet, you will receive a credit in the amount you pay for 2 of the vials for each course, up to 6 weeks, or as long as the two vials last. If you do an additional course, you will get another credit for the cost of another two vials if you have purchased them.  If you do not use your product, we will  contact you at year's end to see if you have plans to use it.  If so, we will reserve it for you until the bottles expire.  If not, we will feel free to use it for anyone who needs it. There will be no reimbursements for unused product at year's end, whether used or not, as we are required to pay for it now, up front, so order amply, but order wisely!!  We have not spoken with the HCG vendor for a week, so I cannot list the exact price right now, but if decide that you do want us to order several bottles, just call us or email us early on tomorrow and let us know.  We will be getting the final pricing on that when we are in the office.

One more thing (when have I ever not had one more thing to say?!)  If you have already obtained the plaquenil (hydroxycholoraquine) and azithromycin (zithromax) medications mentioned in earlier emails and in the media, there have been some small changes to the protocol, but most importantly, zinc is apparently an extremely important part of the protocol according to some.  Since this is all developing day-by-day on an experiential basis, I believe that the best practice as of now will be to include zinc in the protocol. I will list the "new" protocol here, again, to be used ONLY in the following case scenarios:
1- Where there is the onset of shortness of breath, and not simply in cases where one feels like they have a draining and ugly flu. 
2 - Where basic flu symptoms of fever, upper respiratory issues and fatigue exist in those who are at higher risk (anyone with an underlying condition that could compromise their immune capabilities, or anyone over 60 - I know you may "feel" absolutely fantastic, but your immune system may not care so much about your "feelings"!!  Use your best judgement)
3- Where fevers are extreme, over 102 or 103 degrees, not responsive to Tylenol (yes, buy  some Tylenol!) 

If you do have the two medications already, make sure to have the zinc on hand.  You will need to be taking a whopping 220 milligrams total over the course of each day., taken with the plaquenil.  Please note that without the plaquenil, the zinc may not be nearly as effective on its own; from what is currently understood, the plaquenil seems to permit the zinc to do its job infinitely more effectively.

The six day regimen for the drugs is as follows:

Hydroxycholroquine (Plaquenil) : 200 mg. , one (or if more severe, 2 twice daily) on day one, and thereafter, one 2X daily
Azithomycin: 250 mg. - 500 mg. daily (two different protocols - if you have enough medicine, I would probably take the 500 mg.)
Zinc, 220 mg daily total, in divided dose, taken with the plaquenil.

Remember, more is NOT necessarily better. If you obtained the drugs from me, then you saw the consent form I sent out, warning of the many health risks inherent in taking plaquenil.  True, the worst of them are quite rare, but even the common ones are unpleasant.  If you did not get the drugs from me, but nonetheless own them now, please go onto WebMD or similar and look up the contraindications for the drug, as well as the list of side effects. It is NOT a "fun drug" but it is used by many with auto-immune disease over extended periods of time successfully, so it is "usable" when called for. Save it for when it is truly called for, following the guidelines above for who should institute this protocol, and when.

Please all me in the office with any questions as always.

Thanks for the opportunity to serve you, It is always an honor and a joy. 

Best regards!!

Dr. Robin Ellen Leder
